Tuesday, 18 August 2015

"Yellow" - Coldplay

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow".

So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
Do you know,
You know I love you so,
You know I love you so.

I swam across,
I jumped across for you,
Oh what a thing to do.
'Cause you were all yellow,

I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
Do you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.

It's true,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine.

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And all the things that you do.

Being ridiculously in love with Noh Hujan again... I mean no harm to Ms.Nina ok... Aku je pun yg in love ngan Noh tu. Hah, to be bloody frank, when u turned 30, life seems unreal unlike before. Deep conversation is long gone... Nan, nanti kita date, kite berfalsafah lagi k dear. Tak ramai yang appreciate real conversation these days, maybe they are not used to it. But whatever it is, some looked at it as simple as it doesn't sound. General statement is not deep sweetheart... those are stupid words you would say when you were caught cheating with somebody else's husband. If I were to be caught cheating with that somebody else's husband, I would just shut up man... for sure, i'll be dead... hahaha... whatever. The point is you will live a boring pathetic routine life if you do the same thing all over again... stuck with the same cycle each and every beautiful day. So change!!! Do stupid things again, singing out loud in the public again!!! Trust me, nobody would gv a damn!
Nan, I bloody miss those days, when we were whispering Lagu Raya in the lecture hall, just to avoid falling sound asleep on the floor. Why... why cant we stay stupid??? ;p

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Family Affair

Ok u olls,

Do take it as positively as u could. This is a true story, learn the lesson.

Dimana salahnya bila generasi sekarang dengan tanpa malu segannya mengeluarkan kata2 kesat secara berleluasa dan menjadi-jadi?

Dimana salahnya bila anak2 perempuan sudah tak reti lagi menjaga maruah keluarga, sering bertukar2 lelaki dan sibuk bangga dengan harta dunia?

Bila terbaca komen2 negative perempuan2 di FB, terus aku terbayangkan keluarganya. Mesti la dia berperangai begitu kerana didikannya juga begitu.
Ibu, mak, mama... semuanya maksud sama, Yang mendidik kite berbahasa dirumah, juga dengan akhlaknya. Kalau dah maknya juga bawa pulang lelaki ke rumah, patut la ank prempuan tu lagi berkali ganda bawa pulang lelaki yang berjenis2 kategorinye. Semuanya sibuk mengejar duet, aku terkejut mendengar sendiri si emak menyuruh anak meminta duet dari lelaki... hah.
Perkara camtu sgt rare dari keluarga aku... alhamdulillah.

Jadi janganlah gunakan bahasa yang tak senonoh dan menjatuhkan martabat diri sendiri.
Sebab salunyer kata2 yang tak elok ni dtg dari org yang tak elok juge...

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Here's to Never Growing Up!!!

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my a**!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (yeah raise your glass and say) here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (da de da de da) here's to never growing up (no we're never growing up)
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Adeh, lagu ni dah best dah.. tapi tulah carut2 bagai, so, takyah la fokus kat carut2 tu. Fokus pada tajuk tu je. Here's to never growing up...
I would spend hours and hours chatting and gossiping with my 2 sisters and cousins acting as if i am still a teenager.. same age with them. Hahahaha, life is just so much fun back then. No adult headache stuff, no stabbing other's back, no negative thoughts...
God, i hate them... those who are just so super stupid but just didn't want to admit it!!! Bloody tutttt tutttt..

Ya Allah, why cant we stay children forever, save from hurting each other... what happen to adults these days... why are they just so stupid and self-centered? What happened in their past that turn them into the ugliest creature.. no longer a human being. O Allah, Islam is just so peaceful, but what happen to Muslim these days?
You are right o Allah, the differences between knowing and not knowing... that differ us from those idiots. So idiot that they can openly tell their kids, in-laws etc that they had just committed adultery...What???? yes.. and yet with a smiling face. Have her dignity's gone? O bloody idiots...
Those stupid environment... i would never bring up my children in that manner. hahhhhh

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Dare to moved on ;p

Salam everybody,

I dared to tender my resignation letter and moved on easy... y dared? because it was tough at first to really tender. I loved my job, i loved my customers and most of all, i loved my colleagues.
Nangis weh, nangis mase tender tu, but of course la bukan depan Encik K.
But truely, kawan yang mula2 menikam belakang jadi rapat, yang baru join jadi macam dah lame kenal.. i was really touched, Kak Ita, Dayah, Aishah and Encik K belanja makan bbrp hari berturut2 before i finally 'depart' in peace. ;p Lokasi yang menjadi mangsa ialah Kenny Rogers, Secret Recipe and Oldtown Kopitiam ;p (eh, ke oldtown white coffee, eh, tu bukan brand kopi ke...hahahaha).

First week at the new place, the longing for Allied Hori was like... tuutttt tuuttt, ditakdirkan pulak rupenye org yg setup TS Allied Hori dulu tu, Mr. Richard Kwok pun part time kat sni... hah, lagi la rase dekat ngan Allied Hori. O, whatever, enough with Allied Hori.

First time meeting with the managers was so odd. I was like the youngest in the room and the most rear among the overcooked guys...hahahaha... bdk mentah yg masih banyak perlu belajar.
My new boss mesti ingat aku tak bape paham inggeris tapi..ok plizzz takkan la 'repeat' pun aku xtau ape... mungkin muke aku yang cover ngantok ni dh takbley bla sgt dah tahap selenge nye,

Ok, like siyesly tadi aku ternampak handbag HR assist sni, Wana, brand MK, cantik siotttttttt....aahhhhh nak tau die beli kat mane... sbb jarang btoi nmpk brand MK tu. Tambahan pule i sekarang ni dah tak pakai uniform. So, kalo nak melawa macam cikgu2 kerajaan tu bley la kan kan... haih (terbayang muke2 sedara mara d Palestine)... ok2, berbelanje berpada2 la ek... Beli handbag tahun depan is allowed, but not this year sbb?? aku dah jahanamkan rm189 beli h.bag CR2... kalo rm250 and above jadi la brand Carlo Rino...

Ok la, tu je nak update ;p
p/s-bile la nak pkui 6 nih... (boss skrg cina utara, kena sllu la practice bhs sana ;p)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The Beautiful QC Dept. ----------@>

Gara-gara hampir terpukang dpn PC dan sebelum kantoi ngan boss besar...

Mungkin penangan sebalang coklat Cadbury Dairy Milk Mixed Fruit aku balun tadi, skrg aku dh terkena natijah nyer... melayang2 pandangan depan PC ni ha...

Maka, sebelum aku selamat ke alam lain, aku akan memperkenalkan serba sikit pasal boss dan rakan2 sekerja aku disini ;p

Disini 4 tahun yg lalu... Aug.09
Aku joined QA/QC Dept. ngan sorang lagi member Aini, tapi dia hanya bertahan selama sebulan semata lantaran terok dihentam beribu raban customer complaint dari PPL yang kilang nyer terletak di Batam. Menangis2 pompuan tu tak tahan asek kena dduk meeting nak reply customer complaint. Sampai la last week dia nak bla, dia masih ditugas ke Batam untuk sorting.
Aku pulak dapat jaga customer automotive yakni Continental di Sbrg Prai. Best, sbb???xde complaint.hahahaha.
Hahaha pun tak lame sbb pas Aini behenti aku la yang kena jaga PPL ;(
Berkat kantoi PTPTN, aku terselamat drp gi Batam sbb kena perintah berkurung dlm negara ;p
Tak lama je aku menderita kena stay kilang sampai 8-9mlm...tibe2 PPL start stop complaint..redha la tu ngan reject2 dari kami ;p Time kaseh PPL. (Sebenarnyer, PPL dah drop projek ngan kilang ;p sbb tu PPL dah tak heran kalo ade complaint pun *_*wink2)

Anggota asal QA/QC - 2009:
1) JC Tai (Manager yang haremmmmmm)
2) Kak Tuty yg garang
3) En.Kamal yg nampak je garang tapi yg paling byk skali support aku dlm dunia ni. Time kasih Encik ;p
4) Mohamad yang juga ex-UPM mcm aku.
5) En. Hasri yang jaga sistem management
6) Aku yang salu kena balun, jadi pencacai dll(dimasa lapang jadi tukang dgr ceramah free JC Tai Haremmmmm tu)

The next QA/QC -2010
1) Mr.Ian (MD tuuuuuuu jdi plak boss QC...adeh)
No more JC Tai,yessss!

QA/QC - 2011
1) Encik Arman (Mr.Ian pun step down dan hya mmegang jwtn MD semata.
Encik Arman best tapi tulah QA/QC ni ada cam ssuatu smpai sme yang jadi QA/QC HOD ke/Manager ke  seme tak lame. Encik Arman berhenti dan...
2) Fakaruddin (juga geng2 En.Arman)

Ade peristiwa... aku kena buat semula document2 lame dulu sbb org2 dulu tu xbuat, makanya aku pun cube nak dptkan pjelasan bkn kenapa aku yg kene buat tapi ape mendenye yang aku nak buat nih... dah aku tanya elok2 Encik K (nama dirahsiakan dulu, dia ni boss Assembly) xnak bagi, aku pun maki la tapi masih ngan bhs yg sopan... geram plak bile Encik K tu budget aku ni cam xnak buat kje lak...dan2 ketika itulah ade mesyuarat tergempar untuk QC members yakni... kami dapat boss baru, Encik K.
Adoi...maknanye aku baru je maki boss sendiri tadi. tidak... tidakkk x10000.
New member:
1) Encik Kushairi

The latest...2013
1) Additional member Faizi

Heheh... welcome to the beautiful QA/QC

Hah... boss... boss kat blkg akuuuuu... tgh scannnnn...
Adeh3... nak pengsan.... byeeeeeeee

Friday, 7 September 2012



The sun is filling up the room, and I can hear you dreaming.
Do you feel the way I do? Right now.
I wish we would just give up, 'cause the best part is falling.
Call it anything but love.
And I will make sure to keep my distance.
Say I love you when you're not listening.
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/c/christina_perri/distance.html ]
Please don't stand so close to me; I'm having trouble breathing.
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now.
I give you everything I am, all my broken heartbeats, until I know you'll understand.
And I will make sure to keep my distance.
Say I love you when you're not listening.
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting for you to take me.
You keep waiting to save what we have.

So I'll make sure to keep my distance.
Say I love you when you're not listening.
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance.
Say I love you when you're not listening.
How long 'till we call this love, love, love?

Lagu ni sdey ke ape... adeh... what the heck is wrong with me??? Something is definitely wrong w me!

Tido 1/2jam tdi buat kpale aku jadi separa sedar. Semua macam hmmm tah la...
Antara salah yg sgt nyata dengan salah yang samar2... ape2pun dua2 pun salah... hahaha

Saturday, 14 April 2012

My smile...


You are not mine...
Tell me how to move on, how to made believe that after all this time... you are still not mine...

It's the cheapest thing i could give, my tears...
And the cheapest word i could say... is the admission that I love you,
But yet... the only 1 thing that worth my life is to return back your wings, your smile, your everything...

Standing outside his gate... 3 in the morning,
Holding a pink rose... the moment i fall in love with him was the moment when i let him go...

Too many screwed up things...